The One-Stop Learning Platform
For Students and Professionals 

The One-Stop
Learning Platform
For Students and Professionals 

Our Mission

At iCADEMY, we are passionate about improving learning for all ages.
We create, promote and foster individual and organizational effectiveness
by developing and offering an array of innovative and diverse programmes.

3 Reasons to Learn on iCADEMY

Structured Curriculum

Our courses are well-integrated, focused and practical that incorporate differentiated instruction. Learners learn anywhere anytime.

Qualified Educators

All lessons are conducted by qualified professionals. Teachers are experienced to deliver courses with reference to the latest curriculum.

Anyone, Anywhere

We engage and inspire learning through a wide variety of courses so that anyone can dive deep into any courses they are interested in.

Events & Workshops

Mode: Online | Guest Speaker: Dr. Alpha Leung (EdD)  
Mode: Online | Guest Speaker: Dr. Alpha Leung (EdD)  
Mode: Online | Guest Speaker: Dr. Alpha Leung (EdD)